Meeting Places

Kirton Church Hall, Church Lane IP10 0PT

Booking secretary: Sue Claydon 01394 448690
26 Rectory Lane, Kirton, IPSWICH IP10 0PY or make a booking enquiry.

Kirton & Falkenham Village Hall, Falkenham Road

The Village Hall diary is here

The Kirton and Falkenham Village Hall is available for private hire, daytime or evening, throughout the year.
Now with a recently modernised kitchen and ample chairs and tables the hall is suitable for all types of lettings – dances, quiz evenings, weddings, children’s and family parties, plus most types of private functions.
The hall has a large car parking facility at its location on the Falkenham Road.

Charges (2022):
3 Hour rate £30 + £5 per extra hour
All day £50
Regular Users 3 Hours £20
Booking secretary: Rosemary Walker 01394 448227

Methodist Chapel meeting room, Falkenham Road
Booking secretary: Mrs Helen Robertson 01394 448395

Pavilion, Kirton Recreation Ground
Booking secretary: John Beer 01394 448490

Church Hall Details


A Elections £140.00
he Parochial Church Council has recently carried out a review of the charges for renting the Church Hall. The Hall exists to provide a multi-use community facility and we are determined that this should continue. However, ever increasing running costs and upcoming major maintenance work means that the current hire charges are not sustainable.

We therefore propose to increase hire charges in line with the schedule below. At the same time we have rationalised the tariff to simplify hirers’ selection of the most appropriate rental period and corresponding cost.

The new charges are effective from 1st October 2018. All bookings that have already been made will be honoured at the current rate.

We are sorry to have to make these changes though we know that the new rates still represent good value given the space and facilities available within the Hall.

Tariff (£)
Regular Hire 3 hrs – £30 4-5 hours £45 8hrs – £50 All Day £100
One off Hire 3 hrs – £40 4-5 hours £50 8hrs – £70 All Day £120
Elections £150
Committee Room 50% of Main Hall

Church events, Church sponsored events, Quiet Days, etc : Any fees by arrangement.

When booking please give:–

• the name of the person to be invoiced,
• their address,
• their telephone number,
• the agreed times of the event and use of the Hall (different);
• the fee to be paid.

For activities other than that defined above please contact the Booking Secretary, Sue Claydon, on 01 394 448 690