Category: Womens Institute

  • July 2013

    JULY MEETING REPORT Strawberry tea at Iris’s – August 15thNext Meeting – Sept 12thSpeaker – Angela Pratt on Being a J.P.Competition – An unusual key On the 27th June a number of us gathered in Pam Dickerson’s very pleasant garden to indulge in an alfresco lunch. Pam had provided a delicious spread and we tucked…

  • January 2013

    JANUARY MEETING REPORTAt the start of our meeting on January 10th we discussed two resolutions, one of which will eventually go before the National AGM in Cardiff this year. The wording of the first resolution is as follows:- The NFWI notes with concern the continuing decline of our high streets and the damaging effect this…

  • Nov/December 2012

    DECEMBER MEETING REPORTAt the Trimley Table-Top Sale on November 10th we made £28, not nearly as much as we usually make with our cake stall at the Kirton Arts and Crafts Fair, but as you know this was not held this year. The outing to the Suffolk Food Hall on November 27th followed by lunch…

  • July 2012

    JULY REPORTDuring the first part of our July meeting Eileen Riches, our delegate to the National AGM this year, gave us her report on the conference. She said that walking into the Royal Albert |Hall, especially when it is filled with 5000 women, was truly awe-inspiring. The NFWI chairperson, Mrs Ruth Bond, welcomed everyone and…

  • June 2012

    JUNE REPORT Kirton and Falkenham W.I. has two treats coming up in the near future. On August 9th we are going to indulge in a strawberry tea along with a raffle and bring and buy stall in the garden of our President Iris Hitchen’s house, weather permitting. Then on September 11th we are hoping to…

  • May 2012

    MAY REPORT At our May meeting we discussed the resolution which is to go before the National AGM at the Albert Hall at the end of May. The wording of the resolution runs as follows: There are chronic shortages of midwives. The NFWI calls on the Government to increase investment in the training, employment and…

  • March 2012

    KIRTON AND FALKENHAM W.I Next meeting – April 12th 2012Recipe AfternoonPrepare and bring along your favourite recipe for a tasting sessionCompetition – handmade box to take nine truffles (not fabric)No Trading Stall MARCH REPORT I received a very nice letter this morning from Nacton W.I. thanking Kirton and Falkenham for their hospitality on the instance…

  • November 2011

    On November 10th Kirton and Falkenham W.I. held their AGM, to help us with which we had a visit from our W.I. Advisor Linda Leigh. During this session we heard reports of our activities during the year plus a summing up of our financial position which is satisfactory. Mrs Iris Hitchen, Miss Valerie Bines and…

  • July 2011

    Since our meeting in June, we have lost our two oldest and longest standing members.Beattie Pepper and May Copping died within 10 days of each other, and members of our Branch had attended both funerals.In paying tribute to them, our President Iris Hitchin said that they were both invaluable members, as they knew so much,…

  • May 2011

    MAY REPORT On Thursday 5th May Kirton and Falkenham W.I. gathered at the Bowls Club in Felixstowe for a fish and chip lunch arranged for us by Mrs Pauline Swift who is a Bowls Club member. The food was excellent and everybody enjoyed themselves. Many thanks to Pauline and to Iris Hitchen, our president, who…

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