Category: Womens Institute

  • April 2011

    APRIL REPORT At our meeting on April 14th Mr Pip Wright came to talk to us and show us photos on the theme of ‘Exploring Suffolk by Bus Pass’. As most of us are of an age to own one of these things we were eager to get information about how to use them in…

  • March 2011

    MARCH REPORT At our recent committee meetings we have been busy planning activities for the coming year. Several of us went to the Federation AGM at Trinity Park on the 8th of March with our president Iris Hitchen acting as delegate. Then on April the 12th we will be attending the Annual Group Meeting at…

  • February 2011

    FEBRUARY REPORT Hintlesham Hall had special rates on lunches and teas for W.I.s in January. Although we were not given much notice we managed to get a group of eighteen together, including one man, our president Iris’s husband (what a brave chap!), to give the lunch a go. It turned out to be a splendid…

  • January 2011

    JANUARY MEETING REPORT Dr Geoffrey Kay who came to speak at our January meeting on the Crystal Palace and the Great Exhibition had just acquired a new digital projector with all sorts of potential to go wrong, he told us. In fact there was some bother with Windows appearing, informing him that his virus protection…

  • December 2010

    DECEMBER MEETING REPORT As our December meeting is the last one before Christmas we usually make an effort to go a bit festive, so last Thursday we had mince pies as well as sausage rolls, scones and éclairs with our tea and our president provided us with crackers and chocolates. Despite the cold weather there…

  • November 2010

    NOVEMBER MEETING REPORT In November the Kirton and Falkenham W.I. holds its Annual General Meeting. This part of the afternoon did not take long as there were no changes either to the officers or the committee members. The secretary and treasurer gave their reports and everybody was thanked for the sterling work they had put…

  • October 2010

    OCTOBER MEETING REPORT In October Kirton and Falkenham W.I. celebrates its birthday and this year we were eighty nine years young. Next year we will pass the milestone of our ninetieth year and we are already thinking up ways to celebrate. Our president Iris Hitchen was unable to be present at the meeting as she…

  • August & September 2010

    AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER REPORT Our W.I. does not hold a meeting in August but we usually arrange an outing for those who are not on holiday. In fact we had two opportunities to go out together. On the 12th we visited the Felixstowe Seafarers Centre which is the modern equivalent of the Missions to Seamen.…

  • July 2010

    JULY MEETING REPORT At our July meeting Mrs Iris Hitchen, our president, reported on her trip to the National AGM at Cardiff which she attended as our Group Representative. While there she learnt that at present the W I has 207,000 members nationwide. Next year the subscription will be £30, a rise of only 50p.…

  • June 2010

    JUNE MEETING REPORTWhen he was twenty four, in 1958, Mr Weatley decided to go round the world on a scooter. This was the subject he came to talk to us about at our June meeting. Having two elder brothers who were both cleverer and better looking than he was he decided that the only way…

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