Category: Womens Institute

  • May 2010

    MAY MEETING REPORT Kirton and Falkenham W.I. treated themselves to two very enjoyable lunches recently. For the first, on Thurs. 6th May, we were guests at the Bowls Club in St Edmunds Road, Felixstowe where we used their facilities to eat meals ordered from the Seaview Fishbar. We were impressed by the quality of the…

  • April 2010

    APRIL MEETING REPORT Mr Tyler, our speaker at the April meeting, started his talk on Billy Butlin with a rousing ‘Hi Di Hi’ to which we all replied ‘Ho Di Ho’. The great era of the holiday camp, he told us, was the 1950s, but the idea started long before that, back in the 1890s,…

  • March 2010

    MARCH MEETING REPORT The National Federation of Womens’ Institutes is issuing a challenge to its’ members. This is for W.I. members to complete a Triathlon which consists of a 5 mile swim, a 20 mile cycle ride and a 50 mile walk or run. The endurance test is not so formidable as it sounds as…

  • February 2010

    2010 FEBRUARY MEETING REPORT Our February meeting was the first meeting of the year as we had to cancel our January get together due to snow. We now have twenty three members and most of them managed to turn up although the day was very cold and the wind whistling round the Village Hall was…

  • December 2009 –

    DECEMBER MEETING REPORT We met for our December meeting only to find that for the fourth time this year the speaker could not come. Fortunately two of our members stepped into the breach – Mrs Maddy Rhodes and Miss Elizabeth Sugarman. Maddy spends some time each week at the Citizen’s Advice Bureau so she was…

  • November 2009 – AGM

    NOVEMBER MEETING REPORT In November we hold our Annual General Meeting when we look back on the past year and confirm people in the offices for the next twelve months. As far as President, Secretary and Treasurer are concerned there will be no change: Mrs Iris Hitchen will be President, I will continue as Secretary…

  • October 2009 – 88th Birthday

    OCTOBER MEETING REPORT Members were joined at this meeting by WI members from Felixtowe morning, Brackenbury, Bucklesham and Nacton as our branch was celebrating its 88th Birthday.Representatives from other local clubs and organisations had also been invited, and all 42 ladies present watched Pam Dickerson cut the birthday cake, and wish the branch well for the…

  • September 2009

    SEPTEMBER MEETING REPORT Towards the end of July, we were invited to a strawberry tea in the garden of our president Mrs Iris Hitchen. On the day in question about fifteen of us assembled at her house ready for a pleasant social occasion. Besides the strawberries and cream we ate cheese straws provided by Beatty…

  • July 2009 – All Change

    At our July meeting the watchword was ‘All Change’. Mrs Iris Hitchen, our president, was unable to take the chair due to the fact she was attending a funeral, so Mrs May Copping, our vice-president, stepped in. Also the speaker, Mrs Buckles, who had been booked to demonstrate flower arranging, was unwell so could not…

  • June 2009 – Four weddings and a funeral

    June Meeting reportFour Weddings and a Funeral was the subject Mrs Jane Parker came to speak to us about at our June meeting. Mrs Parker is a registrar and works for the Suffolk Registration service which concerns itself with the births, marriages and deaths in the area. She feels it is an honour to fulfill…

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