Category: Womens Institute

  • June 2008 – Repoussé work.

    JUNE 2008 REPORTAt our June meeting we were introduced to a craft new to us: Repoussé work. Repousse is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as ‘Of metal work: Raised or beaten into relief, ornamented in relief, by means of hammering from the reverse side’. Titled ‘Working with pewter’ Mrs Field’s talk and demonstration set…

  • May 2008 – Resolutions

    MAY 2008 REPORTWeather-wise we have been very lucky so far with our visits to the ‘Hut’ on Felixstowe seafront. Last autumn when we arranged an afternoon plus lunch there we had a gorgeous day, and then on May 8th, our meeting day, we managed to coincide with the run of sunny days which has not…

  • April 2008 – Mrs Beeton

    APRIL 2008 REPORTThe W.I. and Corncockles coffee morning held on April 1st in memory of Hilary Barker raised over £700 for the charity EACH (East Anglian Children’s Hospice). Many thanks to all who participated.We were very sad to hear of the death of Joan Robinson, a previous president of Kirton and Falkenham W.I.. When, some…

  • March 2008 – The Mysteries of Easter Island

    MARCH 2008 REPORTOur most senior member Mrs Irene Barton has been away from us for a while having fallen and broken her hip. We were so pleased to welcome her back to our March meeting albeit in a wheelchair. She joined us for the social part of the afternoon when we sit and chat, enjoying…

  • February 2008 – Ipswich Walks

    FEBRUARY 2008 REPORTWe started our February meeting in a sombre mood, very much aware of a glaring absence in our midst – that of Hilary Barker, who passed away recently, leaving us and the whole village both shocked and saddened. We held a minute’s silence, during which our thought turned to Brian and the rest…

  • January 2008 – China holiday

    JANUARY 2008 REPORTOur January meeting should have included a talk by Mrs Parker entitled ‘4 Weddings and a Funeral’. Sadly on that day she was actually attending a funeral so could not be with us. A member, Mrs Iris Hitchen, who has joined us fairly recently, stepped into the breach with her husband Terry to…

  • Dec 2007 – National Trust Gardens

    DECEMBER 2007 REPORTIn December Mrs Place came to talk about and show slides of National Trust Gardens. Unfortunately the hall was so cold, someone having inadvertently left the outside door open, that we were hardly able to give her our full attention. However the lovely series of views that accompanied her talk helped to take…

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