Kirton and the Domesday Book
Our village was recorded as Kirketuna in the historic Domesday book some-time around 1086. It also confirmed the existence of a church building in the village even then.
We urge you to take a stroll down Rectory Lane/Church Lane and visit our tangible link with the past. The present Kirton Church building dating from the 1300s is open every day and you will find a beautifully illustrated Guide (£5) to its origins in the Porch. The churchyard is maintained with a thoughtful balance between being both tidy and wildlife friendly.
The Tower was built while Henry the Eighth was busy divorcing/beheading his wives.
What do these “Friends” do?
The Friends was set up in 2000 specifically to raise funds for the fabric of the parish church and its grounds including the Churchyard. We have since raised the best part of £30,000 which has been deployed to various ends including the erection of a new sign and handrail, the purchase of a new lawn-mower, and in 2008 almost £22,000 towards major renovations.
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) along with the Churchwardens are legally responsible for upkeep. In common with parishes across the country, however, it became apparent that with falling congregations further sources of revenue would be required if the church was to survive. Indeed many churches have not survived – witness the closure of several in Ipswich and the church at Stratford St Andrew, now converted to residential use.
There are several reasons why you might want to join us.
Why bother? I live In Kirton but I don’t go to the Parish Church
Even if you don’t it is still your church. By virtue of the fact that the Church of England is the established faith, it is your right to avail of the church and the services it offers of baptism, marriage and burial.
Why bother? I don’t even live In Kirton
Well obviously you have some interest otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this page. Maybe your ancestors lived here in which case you may find our second page “Sources for Family & Local History” of interest. In years gone by the church was very much the focus of life in the Village, witnessed by the Parish Registers dating back to the 1600s.
Why Bother? If anything, I’m anti-religion
No matter what your persuasion, it’s undeniable that the church is the oldest building in the Village and that for generations it was integral to daily life. It’s even mentioned in Domesday (1086) when it had a priest called Godric. There may well have been a church there in the preceding centuries and there’s a strong likelihood that it had been a sacred pagan site even before that.
From 1297 it has had forty-nine incumbents. Down the ages it has been a silent witness to the major events which rocked the country – the Black Death 1348, Henry VIII’s break with Rome 1529, the reigns of Mary Tudor and Elizabeth I, the Gun-Powder Plot 1605, the Civil War of the 1640s, let alone the two World Wars.
Countless generations have “done their bit” to ensure that the Church is passed down – surely it would take a cold heart indeed to stand by and allow this tangible link with the past to fall into decay or fall out of public use and become a private house?
OK – What’s involved in becoming a Friend and what do I get out of It?
Becoming a Friend is relatively painless. All that’s required is a commitment to an annual subscription of £10 per household.
For that you will get a free copy of our Guide & History, normally £5, the occasional newsletter, priority for tickets to our events and the rosy glow of knowing you are increasing the chances of this beautiful building surviving for generations to come.
Contact any one of the people below or email fokc@kirton-suffolk.info
so that we can put you on our mailing list.
Stephen Harvey [acting Chairman] (780)
Jo Perry (225) Secretary
Elizabeth Highton (399)
John Westall
Anne Clarke (202)
Alan Lott
Paul Negus (354)
Telephone numbers () prefixed by 01394 448