Women’s Institute

Kirton and Falkenham WI
President: Mrs Ann Colvill acolvill@btinternet.com
Secretary: Mrs B Rose barbara.j.rose@btopenworld.com
Treasurer: Mrs W Taylor
Assistant Treasurer: Mrs P Cole
Facebook page

We usually meet monthly on the second Thursday of the month at 2pm in the Village Hall Falkenham Road, IP10 0QW

2025 Programme

January 9th

Karen Cade Surplus Women: women’s lives in the 1920’s Competition: A memento from the WW1 era
February 13th
David Offord QVSR Seafarers’ Centre Seafarers’ Knitting Patterns
March 13th Birthday MeetingBrian Nichols and Charles Wright Felixstowe & Offshore Pirate Radio Competition: A 1960/70’s poster or magazine
April 10th

Catherine Buchanan Table Manners Competition: A Spring Posy
May 8thResolutions Meeting Games/ Quiz
June 12th

Hunnaball Funerals The Changing Face of Funerals Competition: A photo of me and my sibling or cousin.
July 10th

David Gledhill The Landguard Trust Nature Reserve, Fort and Museum Competition: A Beachcombing Find
August 14th
Garden Party / Raffle Bring and Buy sale
September 11th

Anne Austin The Work of E.A.C.H. Competition: Decorate a paper plate
October 9th
Sonia Collins Mudras—Indian Classical Dance Competition: An item from India
November 9th
Stephanie Mackentyre My life behind the mic – Celebrity Interviews
December 11th

Christmas Meeting Make a Christmas wreath


December 12 th – Christmas Party St. Mary’s Handbell Ringers, Halesworth.
Competition – A ‘Bell’ Christmas table decoration.

Past Programmes
