At our July meeting the watchword was ‘All Change’. Mrs Iris Hitchen, our president, was unable to take the chair due to the fact she was attending a funeral, so Mrs May Copping, our vice-president, stepped in. Also the speaker, Mrs Buckles, who had been booked to demonstrate flower arranging, was unwell so could not come. We hope she will make a quick recovery. Instead Mrs Judy Walker volunteered to give us a hands-on session making greetings cards. First however we had business to attend to such as handing out tickets for the Suffolk East Federation’s garden party to celebrate their ninetieth anniversary at Orwell Park School on the 16th July. Maddy Rhodes also reported on her progress in organizing our outing to Bury St Edmunds on the 13th August. This consists of several hours exploring the town followed by a visit to Wyvale on the way home for tea and cakes. There are various pick up points between Felixstowe and Kirton from 9.00 to 9.30 a m and we aim to return soon after 5.00 p m. The price will be £8. There still places to be had on the coach, so if you are interested contact Maddy on 448549 or me on 448487.
Judy got involved in card making about ten or twelve years ago while a member of the Towns Women’s Guild. Half of any money she makes selling her creations goes to the Children’s Hospice, but most of her output is devoted to family and friends. Card making can be a very rewarding hobby and is well catered for in craft shops, through postal catalogues and on the internet. There are various techniques that can be employed such as decoupage, layered design and patchwork. Judy gets her inspiration from recycled Christmas and birthday cards, photos she takes herself, rubber stamps, stencils and ‘Peel-Offs’ which supply both designs and lettering. Anybody who wants to have a go would do well to visit Stamps N Stuff at 16 Hamilton Road Felixstowe where they can buy supplies and get advice.
We all enjoyed our creative afternoon and at the end of it had produced some quite creditable designs which I am sure will come in useful when the next birthday looms.
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